The project involved rectifying defective work within the 200mm and 150mm watermain service of a new subdivision to attain necessary approvals and acceptance by Port Macquarie-Hastings Council(PMHC). The objective was to ensure that the assets met the required standards for entry into the maintenance period. ACG was tasked with digging up these brand new watermain sections and reinstalling them.
The previous installation of the water mains did not meet PMHC specifications, the pipes had installed using the incorrect alignment and bends. ACG was tasked with reinstalling the mains using the correct methods. These issues were holding the client’s ability to obtain the land titles for the sale of the blocks.
The solutions primarily focused on meticulously addressing and rectifying the defective aspects of the watermain services. Rigorous inspection, repairs, and improvements were implemented to align the assets with the necessary standards for acceptance by PMHC