ACG has been selected to deliver the water mains component of the $111 million Ocean Drive Duplication Project. We are responsible for the essential construction of water mains in a 4.1kmportion of one of Port Macquarie’s arterial roads.
The main achievementsof the Ocean Drive Duplication project’s watermain construction included the complex installation tasks involving multiple water main connections and the need for careful night work to minimise disruptions. Ensuring compliance with standards, managing temporary supply maintenance, and coordinating within the complex project timeline were additional significant wins on this project.
Peter Hodson has been heavily involved in the Project Management of Ocean Drive, actively engaging all stakeholders in weekly site meetings to ensure all crews are managing resources effectively. Meticulous planning for installation to minimise disruptions during nightworks, implementing stringent quality control measures to ensure compliance, and carefully managing temporary supply through efficient system setups were all methods used to ensure ACG’s part in this mammoth project went smoothly