Ditchfield Contracting successfully secured an $11.6million contract from the Port Macquarie-Hastings Council to execute the Ocean Drive Duplication Project. To facilitate this large-scale initiative, Ditchfield enlisted ACG as their subcontractor specifically for the crucial watermain construction component.
The main challenges of the Ocean Drive Duplication Project’s watermain construction included complex installation tasks involving various components and the need for careful night work to minimise disruptions. Ensuring compliance with standards, managing temporary supply maintenance, and coordinating within the project timeline were additional significant hurdles.
Meticulous planning for installation, utilising advanced construction techniques to minimise disruptions during night work, implementing stringent quality control measures to ensure compliance, carefully managing temporary supply through efficient system setups, and employing rigorous project management to streamline coordination and meet the project timeline were all methods used to ensure ACG’s part in this mammoth project went smoothly.